Frequently asked questions

When will the different routes open in 2024?

-Flåm-Gudvangen begins April 24, 2024

-Solvorn-Urnes runs all year round

-Kaupanger-Frønningen runs all year round

How do I buy a ticket for Flåm-Gudvangen?

As of now, it is not possible for individual travelers to buy a ticket for 2024, but it is possible to join a waiting list where you will receive 20% off the booking you make in 2024.

Our booking system opens no later than March 1st.
We will send out the discount code to those on the waiting list on the day the booking system opens.

Are there toilets on the boats?

All our boats have a toilet on board

Is there coffee on board the boats?

Yes, we sell coffee and other kiosk items on board.
NB: Not on Urnes-Solvorn

Where in Gudvangen does the boat leave from?

The red marking is the departure quay from Gudvangen to Flåm.

Right in front of the hotel