Winter route

October 1, 2023-April 30, 2024

Departure Solvorn Departure Ornes

Summer route

May 2 - Sept 30

NB! On May 1 there are no departures, and on May 17 there will be a departure to arragnement in Solvorn

Departure from Solvorn Departure from Ornes
No departures from Solvorn and Ornes


90 pax / 11 cars

It is possible to buy a season ticket for cars up to 6.00 m, adults, children and families on this route.

Period cards can be purchased on board and are valid for 1 month.

Period card car up to 6.00 m: 1 080 kr

Period card vacant: 400 kr

Season ticket child/honorary: 200 kr

Family season ticket (2v + 3b): 1 000 kr

Adult 45,-
Children (4-16 years) 22,-
up to 6.00m 127,-
6.01 - 7.00m 309,-
7.01 - 8.00m 362,-
8.01 - 10.00m 470,-
10.01 - 12.00m 565,-
12.01 - 14.00m 659,-
14.01 - 17.00m 789,-
MC / moped 81,-

All prices are one way

The total length of the vehicle incl.
load determines the rate for the vehicle

Zero emission vehicles follow ordinary tariffs on this route